Big Majors & Staniel Cay

We were expecting inclement weather to hit for about a week, with sustained winds of 25 knots and wind gusts up to 43 knots. Thus, our choice of places to explore was limited since we needed to find a protected harbor for the week. Thankfully, we did! We found a large anchorage on the west side of Big Majors, which turned out to be a popular anchorage. The charts and guide books claimed that the holding is excellent there, in all sand, and that the protection is great from all but a westerly wind. That’s exactly what we needed since the heavy winds were going to be coming from the east and southeast. We left our overnight anchorage at Compass Cay and headed about 1-1/2 hours south through The Banks to our new anchorage.

We arrived in the anchorage at Big Majors two days before the heavy winds came so that we could get a good spot, and we were glad we went early as the anchorage was filling up quickly. Sadly, one yacht was even fighting with our friend’s boat for a spot. I suspect 50 boats could easily fit in this anchorage, including mega yachts, but everyone wanted to be up close to shore for the easterlies. We were fortunate to be able to find a spot close to shore. Our anchor held tight and we were blessed to experience much less wind and wake being tucked this close to shore. The water was a beautiful turquoise, and we learned that we were in a great spot for many activities while we waited for the storm to approach.

We were directly across from Pig Beach where the original swimming pigs reside. We had Gracie with us, so we didn’t go ashore, but we observed from our dinghy and watched these massive pigs waddle around. This is a popular spot for people to swim with the pigs and feed them, so I suspect they get their fill. Gracie didn’t care for them too much!

We rode the dinghy to Staniel Cay, only five minutes away from our anchorage. Staniel Cay is a happening little settlement with a first-class marina, yacht club, convenience stores, restaurants, airport, and more. We bought some produce, eggs, and bread at a small store and explored the island on foot. Then we enjoyed a great fish sandwich at the Staniel Cay Yacht Club. The last time we ate at a restaurant was at Great Guana Cay in The Abacos a couple of weeks back, so it was a treat to have a meal out and enjoy the Christmas decorations and friendly people.

The following day we went walking and exploring on one of several beaches.

It amazes me how each beach is so unique. Scouting them out never gets old, just like watching the sunrise and the sunset. There is so much intricacy and beauty to behold in God’s creation!

In His hands are the deep places of the earth;
The heights of the hills are His also.
The sea is His, for He made it;
And His hands formed the dry land.
Oh come, let us worship and bow down;
Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.
Psalm 95:4-5

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