Sea Trial, Survey, and Haul Out

Sea Trial

January 3, 2023: We had a perfect January day with a good breeze and some ample wave action so we could adequately test the performance of the boat. We hoisted the mainsail and unfurled the Genoa and spent over an hour tacking back and forth to put her to the test. It was a great day and a great sail! We valued this time to get a feel for how she performs. We learned more about the instruments, electronics, systems, sails, and more. The excitement for boat ownership was skyrocketing! Next step — the survey!


January 23, 2023: Having a marine survey done was the next step. Having it done by a qualified surveyor was important to us so that we didn’t miss any major issues with the boat. Was the vessel in good condition? Was it safe? Was it seaworthy? Was it maintained well? Were there major repairs that needed to be made? What were the squak items and were any of them deal-breakers? These were some of the questions we were wanting to get answered.

It was nice that we were able to be on the boat while the survey was being done. The surveyor showed us strengths and a few areas of concern (which were quite minor, whew!). He and the broker also taught us some of the systems as well and gave us some tips on things like cleaning the strainers, checking the engines, etc., that are different on every boat. It was a valuable time for us to learn the boat even better. What were the results of the survey? There was very little that needed to be fixed and we were even more confident that we were buying the right boat. Next step — Getting the boat hauled out as part of the final survey!

Haul Out

January 24, 2023: Cooper River Boatyard. January 24, 2023

Next step — Waiting for the closing and preparing to move aboard!

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