Saint Anne, Martinique

Just when we were thinking that it couldn’t get much better than our last anchorage, we arrived in Saint Anne, and fell in love with this delightful little village. It’s not a large cosmopolitan city like Fort-du-France, but it is a special place with a blend of modernity and old-world charm.

Saint Anne is located on a peninsula near the southwestern tip of Martinique. Its anchorage is large, and the waters are clear, usually calm, and surprisingly clean for swimming and making water. The town has a free dinghy dock only a short ride away, with free trash, recycling receptacles, and an area to drop off used items such as books, clothes, and unneeded boat supplies. We donated a few articles of clothing and they were claimed within minutes.

The village of Saint Anne offers all the basic amenities: restaurants, a bakery, church, Carrefour Express market, pharmacy, pizza place, ice cream shops, boutiques, and clothing stores. For even more modern amenities such as fuel, chandleries, laundry facilities, high-end restaurants, a rental car agency, and larger grocery stores, the town of Le Marin is a short distance away and accessible by either dinghy or bus. But taking a dingy from Saint Anne to Le Marin can get a bit bumpy and be a wet ride on a choppy day. We usually tried to go to Le Marin in the dinghy when the waters were calmer, and it really wasn’t that bad. The rewards in Le Marin were always worth the bumpy ride.

Back to Saint Anne — it’s a great little town in which to settle down. And that exactly what we did for more than three weeks, calling this place our humble abode.

When we first arrived in Saint Anne, we quickly learned that it was a national holiday, Slavery Abolition Day. After a slave uprising on May 22, 1848, the governor officially abolished slavery in Martinique the following day, May 23, 1848, which came to be the National Day of Remembrance in tribute to the victims of colonial slavery.

Now, the entire month of May is dedicated to celebrating the end of slavery. Solemn commemorations, special events, and lively festivals are celebrated all over the island. We were humbled to learn some of the history of slavery in Martinique, from the barbarous slave trade to the atrocious indentured servitude. And we were privileged to observe and partake in some of the festivities and jamborees in Saint Anne over the course of several days.

The local church, Sanctuaire Notre-Dame de la Salette, held a joyful service the morning of May 22nd. Even though it was in French, we sensed the presence of the Holy Spirit as men and women lifted their voices and hands to the Lord. We were glad to be able to be a part of this special occasion.

I was reminded of the verse from 2 Corinthians 3:17, “Now the Lord is the Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” True freedom is found in Jesus Christ! Without Him, we are slaves to sin, leading to death. But to those who have been saved in Christ, His death on the cross and resurrection sets us free from the penalty and power of sin, and gives us eternal life. This freedom festival was such a poignant reminder of where true freedom is found — in our Lord Jesus!

After the service, we perused the outdoor markets full of colors and flavors, and purchased mangos, bananas, and fried cod and vegetable fritters from the street vendors. Then we browsed through some of the shops and thanked the Lord for our time in Saint Anne.

My summary of Saint Anne wouldn’t be complete without sharing about its beautiful beaches. Point Marin is a pretty beach near town, close to the fishing village and our boat. It draws quite a crowd of locals and tourists on weekends, but it is a fairly quiet retreat during the week. The most striking beach is Plage de Salines (or Salines Beach) with its coconut palm trees leaning towards the incredible turquoise waters, with a pond and bird sanctuary nearby. Salines beach is referred to as the most beautiful beach in Martinique, and the one whose photo is on the cover of travel brochures and magazines. The stretch of beach and glistening waters are a sight to behold!

Saint Anne turned out to be one of our favorite locales in Martinique. The people, the culture, the history, the food, the terrain, and the beautiful cove made us want to return to this little hamlet and experience more. When we look around us, wherever we are, we find God’s handiwork in all His creation, in every person and animal we see, in every landscape we encounter, and in every body of water, mountain, or valley we visit. Our eyes just keep opening more and more to the majesty and beauty of finding God in all of creation.

But now ask the beasts, and they will teach you; and the birds of the air, and they will tell you. Or speak to the earth, and it will teach you; and the fish of the sea will explain to you. Who among all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this, in whose hand is the life of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind?

Job 12:7-10

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