Removing Decals and Replacing Logos

Kory designed a new logo for our boat and placed an order for two vinyl logos (one to be put at the bow of each hull). He also designed and ordered vinyl lettering for the sugar scoops to display our boat name and hailing port. A hailing port is really just the place you call home. For us, that is Phoenix, Arizona.

Now it was my job to remove the old labels from the boat. I used a great plastic razor scraper that I ordered off Amazon. Not only was it a huge help for this project, but I have found this tool to be useful in so many other ways.

With this tool, the job went really fast. I used a heat gun to first warm up each letter for a few seconds, and then I used the plastic scraper and slowly pulled the letters off the boat. They came off really easily and the job took less than an hour for the whole boat. Because it was so warm in Florida, I found that I really didn’t need the heat gun, but I would recommend it if you’re trying to do this in coolor weather.

After I took off the labels and logos, there was still a sticky residue and faint impression where the lettering had been. I looked online to see how to get off the sticky residue. With a little elbow grease, plain vinegar and Goo Gone did the trick to get off the sticky residue. But the faint impression was still present. Kory helped with that project. It took a good buffing to get that off. When the lettering and logos came, the boat was prepped and ready to put them on. Here is the finished project!

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