Man-O-War Sandbar

Words cannot describe the beauty of this little haven on earth. The sandbars at Man-O-War Cay in the Exumas are that stunning! These sandbars are only accessible by boat. While many people rent boats from Minn’s Water Sports in Georgetown to visit this area, we are fortunate to be able to anchor our floating home right near these magnificent sandbars. This is really one of the most picturesque spots we’ve seen in The Bahamas.

The sandbars are only visible at low tide, so it is important to check tide tables to find the right time to go. We have found that is a very accurate resource to check the tide highs and lows. We were grateful that low tide was in the afternoon both days we were anchored near Man-O-War Cay, so we were able to explore this natural wonder for two days.

During low tide, the sandbars stretch for more than a mile. We were able to enjoy some nice long walks, and Gracie was thrilled to run as far as her eyes could see. We found lots of starfish, coral, sand dollars, and shells that were left on the sandbars when the tide went out.

One thing we learned pretty quickly is the important of anchoring our dinghy far enough away from the sandbars so, at dead low tide, our dinghy doesn’t get stuck on a sandbar. We didn’t anchor our dinghy far enough in the water our first day there and, after a long walk, came back to find our dinghy stuck solid on the sandbar. We gave it all the strength we had to move that thing back into deeper water and were able to jimmy it back and forth until we got it floating again. Worse case scenario, we would have been stuck on the sandbar until the tide started rising again. Good thing we didn’t have to do that!

What a marvelous creation! As I was walking on miles of soft sand, I contemplated God’s greatness. His thoughts are far beyond my understanding, much more than I could ever imagine. Should I try to count them, they would outnumber all the grains of sand!

How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them!

If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand; When I awake, I am still with you.

Psalm 139:17-18

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