From Kitchen to Galley

When we purchased our catamaran, one of my biggest uncertainties was with how I was going to prep, cook, bake, and plate all of my meals, not to mention where I was going to store all of the kitchen accoutrements I had. I was used to a large kitchen with a spice cabinet filled to overflowing, eight varieties of sugar, seven different types of flours, and all the extras. Just in case a recipe called for an unusual ingredient, I usually stocked it. See, I love to cook and I love to entertain. I had six sets of dishes to plate all sorts of cuisines, serving platters of every shape and size, and ornate bowls from Japan, India, Mexico, and beyond, merely for visual appeal.

But I couldn’t take it all with me. I knew there was no room in the galley for the kitchen luxuries I had. I sold a lot of items I rarely used, put things in storage that I absolutely didn’t need on the boat, and gave away the rest. At first it wasn’t easy. But scaling down has proven to be so freeing. I’m learning to love simplicity, and I’m becoming more grateful for exactly what I have, without yearning for more. I take comfort in knowing that all I need is my daily bread.

When we first moved onto the boat I was excited! I had done a fair bit of planning and had given forethought as to what I would need in our galley and how it would all fit into place. I worked through my concerns and was ready to play house, or boat I should say. I recalled my Holly Hobby kitchen as a young girl and remembered how fun it was to take command as the chef of that tiny space. That’s how I felt about managing my little galley. It was exciting! It was an adventure! And I was ready for the challenge!

The “Food & Cooking” category in this blog will explore the details: what kitchen items I brought on board, how and where I store our provisions, new foods we encounter along our journey, the ins and outs of prepping, cooking, and entertaining on a boat, and how it all comes together on a daily basis. And because it’s just so delightful to go out to eat, try new cuisines, and get out of a hot galley, I’ll include some of our favorite restaurants and meals we’ve sampled along the way. Bon appétit!

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